onsdag 25 januari 2012

tibia creation

The Great Creation

In his divine wisdom Uman realised at once that Tibiasula could be a powerful ally in the project of creation, and soon he asked her to join forces with Fardos and himself to work on the gargantuan task that lay before them. Tibiasula, who was also intrigued by the idea of creation, was easily won over. And so it came to pass that there were three creators where previously there had only been two, and together they set to work with renewed vigour. This time, however, they chose a different approach. Uman, whose very nature destined him to reveal secrets and to gain insights, had realised that something was missing, a fixed point, a firm fundament on which creation could be built. Without it, there would be no way to focus the raw creative forces, and all the gods' efforts would be in vain. And thus Uman invented time! He knew that if the void was set in motion and subjected to the eternal flux of time it would be much easier to focus their divine powers.

But first, time had to be created. To this end, all the gods combined their powers. Even Zathroth, Uman's evil half who openly disdained creation, was fascinated by the idea of time, and he agreed to aid the other elder gods in their effort. His offer was gladly accepted, for the other gods did not know then what he had clearly seen from the start: That time held a seed of destruction. He understood that a world that was subject to the ceaseless passing of time would be doomed to perish slowly, and this was why he gladly accepted to help in its creation. And so it came to pass that for once all the elder gods worked together and cast their combined powers into the void. And when at last a huge spiral took shape in the void, the crystal column of time that was to be the fundament of the whole creation, the gods rejoiced. Zathroth, however, rejoiced even more than he dared to show because he knew that now all creation would be flawed in a way that could never be undone.

Zathroth had opposed the idea of creation all along, and he had secretly sworn to thwart the other gods' plans by any means necessary. To this end he had assisted them in the creation of time, and this was the reason he finally decided to kill Tibiasula. He had held a grudge against the goddess ever since she was created because he loathed to share his divine status with yet another deity. However, his dislike turned into deadly hate when he saw that Tibiasula successfully filled the gap which he, Zathroth, had left by refusing to participate in creation. Finally, he made up his mind to do the unthinkable. He secretly created a dagger of great power into which he bundled all his hate and his destructive power, a weapon that was fit to kill a god. Then he lay waiting, biding his time for the perfect moment. And sure enough that tibia bot came. One fateful day, when the other gods had all but exhausted their powers to finish the mighty column of time Zathroth used the opportunity and took Tibiasula aside. Innocent and perfectly unaware of her fellow god's malicious intentions, Tibiasula was easy prey. Zathroth thrust the blade into her heart with all the strength he could muster. Mortally wounded the goddess sank to the ground, and out of her fading body bled the elements of fire, water, earth and air - the components of her divine being that had been torn out of their former harmony by Zathroth's disgraceful treachery.

When they learnt about the heinous deed Uman and Fardos were shocked. They tried to hold Tibia mc on to the dying Tibiasula, hoping to keep her from disintegrating into the void, from slipping out of their hands like their previous creations. When everything else had failed they came up with a desperate plan: They decided to weave a powerful spell that would bind Tibiasula's fading body to the column of time. Zathroth laughed in mocking triumph, but this time he made a crucial mistake, because he failed to listen carefully to the words Uman and Fardos uttered, and so he missed the one chance he had to learn the secret of creation, a secret that would be hidden from him forever. Uman and Fardos, however, went on to weave the elusive elements into powerful strands. It was beyond their power to unite them to their previous harmony, but instead they achieved something that was altogether new: The first genuine creation.

Chapter I: The Awakening of the Gods Chapter III: The Birth of the Elements

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